Safety Procedures
We know that children learn best when they are safe. We also know that parents will get the most out of the Celebration when they know their children are safe and well-cared for. Here is what we do to ensure your child's safety.
It is our policy that no adult should ever be alone with a child. We also work with parents to be certain we are aware of any allergies or special needs. Parents can be contacted during the worship should their child need them. To help children develop safe friendships, we supervise play carefully.
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- We carefully screen every staff and volunteer member who works in the JarKids area, including background checks.
- Everyone who is helping with JarKids must wear identification stating their purpose for being there (ie. staff, volunteer, etc.).
- Children are checked in with a numbered tag system.
- Only adults with a matching tag number are allowed to take children out of JarKids areas.
- We keep well stocked first aid and emergency kits on hand, and always have one nurse, doctor, or other medical professional on call in the building.
It is our policy that no adult should ever be alone with a child. We also work with parents to be certain we are aware of any allergies or special needs. Parents can be contacted during the worship should their child need them. To help children develop safe friendships, we supervise play carefully.
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